1,507+ students. Countless lives changed.
Will you be next?

simple + scalable groups

simple + scalable groups

Design an evergreen 'Hybrid' group coaching program that changes lives… 
Design an evergreen 'Hybrid' group coaching program that changes lives…
...and serves WAY more clients in just a few hours per week.
(Even if your coaching is really specialized or custom)
...and serves WAY more clients in just a few hours per week.
(Even if your coaching is really specialized or custom)
5,038+ students. Countless lives changed.
Will you be next?

simple + scalable groups

simple + scalable groups

Design an evergreen 'Hybrid' group coaching program that changes lives…
Design an evergreen 'Hybrid' group coaching program that changes lives… 
...and serves WAY more clients in just a few hours per week.
(Even if your coaching is really specialized or custom)
...and serves WAY more clients in just a few hours per week.
(Even if your coaching is really specialized or custom)
5,038+ students. Countless lives changed.
Will you be next?
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

You create incredible results for your coaching clients. Now it's time to scale + serve more people, 1:Many style...

You've thought about launching a course

But the prospect of creating a training course that no one listens to - or worse - listens to, but doesn't get results from... is the furthest thing from 'exciting'.

You've thought about masterminds & events

But, the past year = bye in-person! 😢 ...And if you think about it, while they're more scalable than 1:1 coaching, they still max out your time & energy.

You've thought about running a challenge

But most feel more like an exhausting 'launch' than a valuable growth experience, and sacrificing client (or your) results & happiness is NOT your jam...

You want a simple way to scale your revenue & impactwithout scaling your workload OR trading client results for serving more people... 

Here's a crazy question for you:

What if you could serve 10, 20, even 100+ clients in the same amount of time it takes you to serve two or three right now?

What if you could serve 10, 20, even 100+ clients in the same amount of time it takes you to serve two or three right now? 

(And still get them the same great results 😳😍)
Sound too good to be true?
Hang tight. We’re about to show you exactly how.
Sound too good to be true?
Hang tight. We’re about to show you exactly how.

Here's the deal with scaling your coaching...

If you want to scale, you have to STOP trading time for money and start thinking BIGGER.
That means... You’ll need a way to deliver your specialized expertise 1:Many, in less time.
The fastest & most profitable way to scale your coaching is via an evergreen group program. 

...and that’s where a 'Hybrid' comes in. 

When a Hybrid is designed well, your clients will shift from simply trusting you – to trusting the process – and they’ll stay on track & accountable.

The best part is: you'll have the freedom to focus on creating, leading, and fulfilling your mission at a higher level!

Or even take some time off... Imagine!  🥳

'Hybrid' group coaching isn't a
cookie-cutter online course or program.

A few years ago we were stuck serving every single client 1:1.
We knew our mission to serve WAY more people would never happen if we didn't find a more scalable approach.
But we didn't want something that would add a lot more work to our plate...

We didn't want something cookie-cutter...

And we didn't want something that would decrease connection & client results.
We needed a better way.

A better way to structure our work so that we could serve as many people as we wanted to

A better way to support each client’s unique journey & accelerate success – even at scale

A better way to create an offer that would not only grow our business, but grow with our business 

That’s why we created the Hybrid Coaching Model™. 

It's perfect for you whether you want to take your coaching online for the first time & serve a small group - OR - revamp your current group coaching program and scale it to serve WAY more people...

And of course anything in between.  🙂
Attend Your Choice Of 12/2 or 12/4 + Get Lifetime Access To The Recordings
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

A Hybrid is...

90% Automated

So your clients can get what they need 24/7, while YOU do whatever you want...

10% Personalized

So every client gets the hands-on support they need, from you or their peers...

100% Evergreen

So you can sell it anytime, and clients can start anytime without "launch pressure"...

Our clients have used their Hybrid to...

Turn $45k/year private coaching to $12k/month group
and have more time to spend with family.
Make their existing group program more impactful, raise prices
and earn $15k in sales in the first 6 weeks.
Leave the limitations of 1:1 behind
and buy their dream home.
Launch a new program to their engaged audience
and make 100k sales in less than 90 days.

Here's how it's working for coaches like you.


simple + scalable groups



✦ Evergreen Your Coaching ✦

Learn our Hybrid Coaching Model™ - the exact process to earn more, serve more, and live more with an evergreen group coaching program.


✦ Productize Your Genius ✦

Quickly turn your expertise & intuition into a powerful, repeatable system that gets clients results.


✦ Design Your Hybrid ✦

Design (or even redesign) your group coaching program for maximum freedom, scalability, and client results - in less than a day.

When your Hybrid group is structured just right, it's actually EASIER to sell than private (1:1) coaching, and your clients get BETTER results...
Even in "sensitive" niches like health, spirituality, and relationships.

Even if your coaching is really custom or specialized.

With a Hybrid group program, you can make more moneychange more lives – while living your own life to the fullest.

With a 'Hybrid' group program you can make more moneychange more lives – while living your own life to the fullest.


simple + scalable groups

Design an evergreen 'Hybrid' group coaching program that changes lives… 
 ...and serves WAY more clients in just a few hours per week.

Here's everything that's included:

  • “Evergreen Your Coaching” Training (value $197)
  • "Productize Your Genius" Training (value $197)
  • “Design Your Hybrid” Training (value $197)
  • "Scaling Projection Calculator" (value $47) 
  • BONUS #1: 'Deliver A World-Class Experience' Training (value $97) 
  • ​BONUS #2: 'Simple Group Tech' Guide (value $97)
  • ​BONUS #3: 'Quick Curriculum' Template (value $27)
  • ​BONUS #4: Hybrid Q&A / Coaching Call Recordings (value: priceless)
Total Value: $859
Today's Price: Just $37

1-Year 100% Money Back Guarantee

You're either 100% satisfied with your purchase, or you can send one email anytime in the next 365 days and get all your money back... no questions asked.

1-Year 100% Money Back Guarantee

You're either 100% satisfied with your purchase, or you can send one email anytime in the next 365 days and get all your money back... no questions asked.

How fast will I actually be able to design my Hybrid?

When we take our coaching clients through this process, their Hybrid is designed in just a few hours and is often launched the very same week.

We want you to be able to do the same – so we are giving you everything you need to get it designed and out into the world FAST, including...


'Deliver A World-Class Experience' Training - how to deliver your Hybrid for the first time with excellence & evergreen it with ease.



'Simple Group Tech' Guide - learn about the easy tools we use to deliver our own Hybrid programs and recommend to all of our clients.

✦ ✦


'Quick Curriculum' Template - don't worry about writer's block - we've got you covered. Use our template to map out your curriculum FAST.

✦ ✦ ✦ 


 Hybrid Q&A / Coaching Call Recordings - Hybrid client management, evergreening, tech, curriculum… find out what experts of all levels are asking about and listen to our nuanced answers. 

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Turn your expertise into an evergreen 'Hybrid' group program that delivers personalized coaching at scale.
(And finally escape that weird joy/dread feeling when making a new sale means you have to work longer hours...) 

We love the Hybrid model because it changed the way we do business, for good.

Co-Founder, Thought Leader Brands

Hi, I'm Jim. 

I've been in marketing & sales for over 25 years now.

I started my career in the corporate world — 

But it wasn't long before I realized that in order to lead the life I wanted to live, and make the impact I really wanted to make, I'd have to venture out on my own.

So that's exactly what I did. 

6 businesses & 2 acquisitions later...

I co-founded Thought Leaders Institute with Lucas to help people make money from what they know & love and to help them make a really big difference in the world.  

In our early years, we coached every client 1:1 and quickly saw that our work had an incredible ripple effect as our clients impacted their clients & so on.

So we wanted to find a way to maximize that impact. 

Enter: evergreen hybrid group coaching.

Suddenly, we were able to impact dozens of people in the same amount of time it took us to help just ONE client. 

Being able to serve WAY more people in less time and with less effort using this simple + scalable approach has been an absolute gamechanger for our business & mission. 

And the best part is - 

It's something we're able to teach our clients how to do too. 

Ripple effect? Exponential. 🙌 
Co-Founder, Thought Leader Brands

Hey there - I'm Lucas...

And I've never had a job.

Yep, you read that right.

I  knew from a young age - no question - that I wanted to achieve financial independence via entrepreneurship. 

I started my first marketing business at 13 with the intention of uplifting and making life easier for small business owners in my community.

Here I am a decade & a half later in the coaching & consulting industry - wiser, with millions in client revenues strategized and directed, but with just as much enthusiasm as I had the day I started. :)

And another thing that's remained constant is - 

I see a successful business as one that truly supports you in creating the life YOU want to live.

I want every coach & consultant to wake up to a business that not only provides financially...

But that's exciting to work on - not overwhelming or stressful.

That's why hybrid group coaching is a no-brainer for me.

It's how we've chosen to and deliver our world-class programs at Thought Leaders Institute - and it's something we advise our clients who are ready to earn and serve more to do as well.

It's the absolute best simple + scalable way we've found to turn expertise into a high-impact, high-profit offer that achieves business and impact goals easily and with minimal risk. 
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

simple + scalable groups

Design an evergreen 'hybrid' group coaching program that changes lives… 
...and serves WAY more clients in just a few hours per week.

Here's everything that's included:

  • “Evergreen Your Coaching” Training (value $197)
  • ​"Productize Your Genius" Training (value $197)
  • “Design Your Hybrid” Training (value $197)
  • "Scaling Projection Calculator" (value $47)
  • BONUS #1: 'Deliver A World-Class Group Experience' Training (value $97) 
  • ​BONUS #2: 'Simple Group Tech' Guide  (value $97)
  • ​BONUS #3: 'Quick Curriculum' Template (value $27)
  • ​BONUS #4: Hybrid Q&A / Coaching Call Recordings (value: priceless)
Total Value: $859
Today's Price: Just $37

1-Year 100% Money Back Guarantee

You're either 100% satisfied with your purchase, or you can send one email anytime in the next 365 days and get all your money back... no questions asked.

1-Year 100% Money Back Guarantee

You're either 100% satisfied with your purchase, or you can send one email anytime in the next 365 days and get all your money back... no questions asked.

After simple + scalable groups, you'll be ready to immediately:


Get crystal clear on WHO your group coaching program will serve & exactly HOW it will change their life


Turn your expertise &  coaching method into a 'Unique Approach' that's easy to deliver at scale


Structure and design your 'Hybrid' perfectly for your business, financial & lifestyle goals


Create a curriculum that you're proud of & that gets your clients amazing results fast


Know exactly what tech makes delivering your group a breeze & creates a high-end client experience


Scale your revenue + serve WAY more people - while having the freedom to do more of what you love

simple + scalable groups

Design an evergreen 'hybrid' group coaching program that changes lives… 
...and serves WAY more clients in just a few hours per week.

Here's everything that's included:

  • “Evergreen Your Coaching” Training (value $197)
  • "Productize Your Genius" Training (value $197)
  • “Design Your Hybrid” Training (value $197)
  • "Scaling Projection Calculator" (value $47) 
  • BONUS #1: 'Deliver A World-Class Experience' Training (value $97) 
  • ​BONUS #2: 'Simple Group Tech' Guide (value $97)
  • ​BONUS #3: 'Quick Curriculum' Template (value $27)
  • ​BONUS #4: Hybrid Q&A / Coaching Call Recordings (value: priceless)
Total Value: $859
Today's Price: Just $37

1-Year 100% Money Back Guarantee

You're either 100% satisfied with your purchase, or you can send one email anytime in the next 365 days and get all your money back... no questions asked.

1-Year 100% Money Back Guarantee

You're either 100% satisfied with your purchase, or you can send one email anytime in the next 365 days and get all your money back... no questions asked.

Have questions? We've got answers...

When's the workshop? How long is it?

What if I can't attend live?

When's the workshop?
The Simple + Scalable Groups Workshop is happening TWICE:

Session 1: Wednesday, December 2nd @ 12pm PT (~2.5hrs)

Session 2: Friday, December 4th @ 9am PT (~2.5hrs)

You're more than welcome to attend both sessions, but you don't have to - we'll be covering the same information both times. Both will be hosted virtually on Zoom.
What if I can't attend live?
Although, we'd love all to attend live, we know that it won't be possible for everyone.

LIFETIME access to the workshop recordings is included with every ticket.

We want to help as many thought leaders as possible - even if they can't attend live AND we want all attendees to be able to revisit the training whenever they'd like.

Will this work for my niche?

Will I be able to ask questions?

Will this work for my niche?
Everything we teach in simple + scalable groups works for ALL niches in the coaching & consulting space...

Including: health & wellness, business, wealth, spirituality, personal development, relationships & so many more.

You'll develop a Unique Approach™ & curriculum for your signature group coaching program based on exactly how you help your 1:1 clients right now.
Will I be able to ask questions?
Of course! We're here to support you in getting your group out there as easily & quickly as possible. 

Your ticket will include LIVE Q&A sessions.

They'll happen during each workshop day. You're welcome to attend both days! 

There will also be additional opportunities to get direct support - stay tuned! 

Do I need specific software or anything?

Will this work if I have a small audience?

Do I need specific software or anything?
Nope! You're always welcome to use the tools you already have, or a different tool than what we recommend.

In the 'Simple Group Tech' Guide bonus, we'll show you our favorite tools for delivering your group.

We've done our best to minimize the tech required and recommend the most effective & simple (yet affordable) options, BUT – it's your business...
Will this work if I have a small audience?
Simple + Scalable Groups is perfect for experts with a small audience... In fact, it was originally designed for small audiences.

Why? Because when we started our first hybrid group, we had a small audience. And we knew it needed to be profitable fast. 🙂

BUT - if you happen to have a large audience, this is also a POWERFUL offer for monetizing in a serious, scalable way.

How long will it take to launch?

Will this work for my niche?

How long will it take to launch my group?
When we take our coaching clients through the simple + scalable groups process, their hybrid group coaching program is designed in just a few hours - and is often launched the very same week.

You can do the same...

Because we are giving you everything you need to get it built and out into the world FAST.
Will this work for my niche?
Everything we teach in simple + scalable groups works for ALL niches in the coaching & consulting space...

Including: health & wellness, business, wealth, spirituality, personal development, relationships & so many more.

You'll develop a Unique Approach™ & curriculum for your Hybrid group coaching program based on your experience and intuition. 

How much coaching experience do I need before I launch a group program?

Are you showing what to cover in our program or how to set it up online?

How much coaching experience do I need before I launch a group program?
Ideally, we suggest you serve at the very least 2-3 private coaching clients for a few months before creating to a hybrid group.

This will give you a jumping off point for the unique approach & design exercises we take you through in the workshop.

But hey - this is your business - and we encourage you to do it YOUR way.

If you aren't interested in private coaching and you want to want to start off as a group coach - go for it (especially if your group focus on something you have career experience in).
Are you showing what to cover in our program or how to set it up online?
Both & more!

We'll take you from start to finish - from identifying who your group program will help & how...

To turning the unique way you serve your clients into a step-by-step process & curriculum that gets great results...

To making sure it's an incredible experience for everyone who joins...

To creating an offer that will allow you to earn more, serve more, and live more! 

Wait... what exactly do I get when I sign up for Simple + Scalable Groups?

How much time do I need to get through the training?

Wait... what exactly do I get when I sign up for Simple + Scalable Groups?
When you sign up for Simple + Scalable Groups you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to your own personal training portal.

Here’s what you’ll find inside:

1. Our 1hr 45 minute video workshop that will guide you through designing your group - including creating a powerful repeatable system that gets clients results, branding it to make it all exciting & uniquely yours and getting it packaged & priced.

2. 'Deliver A World-Class Group Experience'
 - a training that will show you how to deliver your hybrid for the first time with excellence & evergreen with ease.

3. 'Simple Group Tech' Guide - a video covering the easy tools we use to deliver our own simple + scalable group and recommend to our clients.

4. 'Quick Curriculum' Template - our own personal document to help you map out what you’ll be covering in your group. Plus, a complimentary video training on how to create the first version of your complete curriculum in record time.

You’ll also find some surprises inside 😉

...Like recordings from LIVE Q&A's we’ve done for Simple + Scalable Groups!
Does Simple + Scalable Groups include marketing training?
The main workshop training is ~1hr 45 minutes in length.

By the end of the workshop (+ any pauses you take to work on the guided exercises)...

You'll have your Hybrid designed, branded, packaged and priced!

This being said...

A lot of coaches like to work through the guided exercises in the workshop a few times before settling on the *final* version of their Hybrid.

The great thing is - 

You can go back through the trainings as many times as you need to. 

Simple + Scalable Groups also includes bonuses that cover our preferred program delivery options...

And there are also several recorded Q+A's provided to support you if you need it. 

In short - you'll be clear on what you need to do next and how to do it by the end of the 90 minutes. 

Implementation is self-paced. 

How is an evergreen hybrid group different from a course?

How is an evergreen hybrid group different from typical group coaching?

How is an evergreen hybrid group different from a course?
Generally speaking, courses have very limited or NO coaching/support from the course creator. 

Alternatively, an evergreen hybrid group is a combination of structured training curriculum, group coaching, a community, and all the tools and templates your clients need for success.

How is an evergreen hybrid group different from typical group coaching?
Most often, group coaching is delivered over the course of weeks or months in LIVE cohorts that have a set start and end date.

What we teach in Simple + Scalable Groups is EVERGREEN -  meaning you can sell your evergreen hybrid group coaching program anytime and clients can start anytime. 

Does Simple + Scalable Groups include marketing training?

What’s the difference vs. typical group coaching?

Does Simple + Scalable Groups include marketing training?
In the workshop, we'll show you how to create your own Unique Approach™, use it to create your offer & inform your messaging, and of course - how to deliver it all...

But we don't deep dive into marketing your group. 

That being said - if you're looking to create your group and get it LAUNCHED...

There is an add-on called the "Fill It Template Kit" where you can get our promo map to help you plan out your launch - and the exact posts and emails we've found work best. 

If you're looking to learn how to create sustainable, evergreen marketing we teach that in Evergreen Business Accelerator.
Are you showing what to cover in our program or how to set it up online?
Group coaching is generally weeks or months long with stanr.end dates for cohorts. What we teach is evergreen. That means you can sell it anytime and clients can start anytime. 

Plus, it's offered year round, or evergreen, so people can enroll when it's the right time for them.

Wait… what exactly do I get ?

Still have questions?
We're happy to help. 🙂

Design a Hybrid group coaching program that changes more lives in less time

It's how we were able to build the business we always dreamed of.

A business that impacts as many people as possible

A business that doesn't require squeezing in life around work

A business that supports our clients even as we sleep 

And we want that for you too.

So if you want to learn how to quickly design a world-class hybrid group coaching program & get ready to serve more clients ASAP...

Click below to get instant access.

1-Year 100% Money Back Guarantee

You're either 100% satisfied with your purchase, or you can send one email anytime in the next 365 days and get all your money back... no questions asked.

1-Year 100% Money Back Guarantee

You're either 100% satisfied with your purchase, or you can send one email anytime in the next 365 days and get all your money back... no questions asked.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
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