The deadline to apply is 11:59pm PT on Wednesday, December 13th.
Apply now so we can send you access to the advanced, private training on how we sell high-ticket without sales calls... plus get our best-ever offer to join us in 'EBA', including complimentary extended access to the program!
The deadline to apply is 11:59pm PT on Wednesday, December 13th. Apply now so we can send you access to the advanced, private training on how we sell high-ticket without sales calls... plus get our best-ever offer to join us in 'EBA', including complimentary extended access to the program!
Time-Sensitive... Submit your application ASAP for private replay access to our advanced training:
How We Scale High-Ticket Group Programs With An Automated Sales System

(no sales calls, setters, back-to-back launches, constant content creation, or live events required…)
Time-Sensitive... Submit your application ASAP for private replay access to our advanced training: How We Scale High-Ticket Group Programs With An Automated Sales System (no sales calls, setters, back-to-back launches, constant content creation, or live events required…)

Quit sales calls for good.

Automate high-ticket sales & watch as clients happily enroll themselves
Join us in Evergreen Business Accelerator and install the EvergreenOS™... The first and only self-scaling model for selling courses, coaching, and digital products with true predictability & freedom.
Attention: Fill out your application ASAP so we can send you the advanced, VIP training with Lucas Garvin about how you can clear your calendar & scale a sustainable business that markets, sells, and delivers FOR you.
Attention: Fill out your application ASAP so we can send you the advanced, VIP training with Lucas Garvin about how you can clear your calendar & scale a sustainable business that markets, sells, and delivers FOR you.
Serve MORE Clients In Less Time
Get New Leads & Buyers Daily
Sound familiar?
  • Trying to scale your coaching, course, or online education business to 7-figures+ with $200-$1K programs and courses… and learning that it will take a LONG time (and a ton of customers) to scale at those price points...
  • Feeling stuck and maxed out delivering your coaching, consulting, or services mostly 1:1 or in live cohort groups… wondering how you can scale delivery and get off the revenue roller coaster... (while maintaining great client relationships and results)
  • Wasting so many hours of your life on sales calls (when they show up), or having to hire, manage and pay “closers” to sell for you… while trying to increase profit – despite the sky-high lead costs of “phone sales” funnels…
  • Squeezing tiny slices of time for self-care, family time, personal growth, and shorter-than-it-should-be vacations… in between back-to-back calls, promotions, events, and obligations... (when you can even do that)
Submit your application now so we can send you an advanced, private training on how to scale your business without sales calls.

It doesn't have to be this way.

It's possible to scale sales without scaling your workload.
If you've ever thought...
“I want to scale my sales and help more people with my work — but I don’t want to sacrifice my freedom, health, or client results to do it…”
We get it. Just a few years ago we were working 50-90 hours per week, juggling a full calendar - serving clients every day, sales calls all the time, and constant speaking, content, and promotions to grow (or at times just sustain) our business.

That all changed when we discovered the EvergreenOS™.

Now we’re able to serve all of our clients in just a few hours per week, watch new clients enroll on autopilot, and wake up to new lead & buyers buyers joining our audience every single day… with a 4-day work week and extra vacay time to boot!

The implementation group, mentorship & community for scaling a high-ticket, Evergreen Group Program without sales calls.
As a member, we show you how to:
  • Create an evergreen group coaching program that can serve hundreds of clients at a time, in just a few hours per week
  • ​Implement an automated, evergreen sales system for enrolling high-ticket clients year-round (no calls required)
  • ​Break free from the stressful cycle of constant launching and re-launching programs, by transitioning to an evergreen approach
  • ​Create a consistent, daily flow of new leads and buyers into your business with profitable paid traffic
  • ​Optimize your business and calendar to give you more balance and freedom to enjoy life on your terms
  • ​Build a simple, evergreen, truly scalable business model that is profitable, fulfilling & fun for you to run, and highly impactful for your clients
We only work with coaches, consultants, course creators and service providers who we are confident have the potential to create amazing results as a member in Evergreen Business Accelerator.

That's why we have an application process – so we can ensure we're both a great fit to work together, set you up to win before you even join.


Submit Your Application Today

Apply now for private replay access to our advanced training:
How We Scale High-Ticket Group Programs With An Automated Sales System
(no sales calls, setters, back-to-back launches, constant content creation, or live events required…)
Complete the form below ASAP so we can send your private invitation with all the details, and unlock special bonuses we only share with new applicants.
Your Contact Information
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What is your best email address? *
What is your mobile phone number? *
What is the URL of your most used social profile? *
Your Business Information
Please describe your business, your clients, and what you sell: *
Help us get to know your business! Share details about your offers, pricing, who you help, how you help them, revenue, how you sell, and anything else that would help us better understand where you’re at right now.
What are your goals for the next 6-12 months? *
What business and/or lifestyle milestones are you working toward right now? What constraints or challenges are you looking to solve?
Do you have a group program that currently sells for $3,000+? *
Having one is not a requirement, we just like to know.
How many subscribers are currently on your email list? *
There’s no right or wrong answer here. It’s just helpful for us to understand!
Is there anything else you’d like us to know? (optional)
…About you, your business, your current situation, or your goals as we consider your application?
 Your information is 100% private & secure. 
By submitting this form, you agree to our Privacy Policy & Terms of Service.
Apply now to access the VIP training…
Have questions or want to chat?
Click the blue chat button on this page to shoot us an email.
We’re just one message away. (Promise we don't bite! 😉)
What members are saying...

Jess K, Nutrition Coach

1:1 Coaching → Leverage & Scale
“Within 28 days of joining, we launched our Hybrid and enrolled 16 new clients. We're now over 200!”

Rachael S, Relationship Coach

6x Posts/Day → Sustainable Marketing
“I feel so confident about growing a sustainable business that is going to serve my clients AND myself so I can create the life and impact that I want to have.” 

Rich O, Visibility Coach  

Low-Ticket Struggles → High-Ticket Coaching
“It changed the course of my life really, not just my business, my life. I know it will do the same for others.” 
It’s easy to get started.
Submit Your Application
Fill out the short form on this page to let us know more about your business so we can evaluate whether the we're a good fit to work together.
Watch the training & enroll
If it's a good fit, we'll send you a private, advanced training how our systems work. If you'd like our help, you'll be able to join on the same page.
Scale with Support
Inside Evergreen Business Accelerator you'll get everything you need to install the our systems & scale your high-ticket group program without sales calls.
*That’s right! There’s no sales call, no high-pressure pitch, and nothing to add to your calendar…

Frequently asked questions

 Is Evergreen Business Accelerator™ for me?

 How is it different from Simple + Scalable Groups™?

 How much time do I need to invest?

 How fast will I see results?

 Will this work for my niche?

 How do I sign up?

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated are our client’s sales figures. Please understand our clients' results are not typical, we're not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who follows any “how to” information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you.

This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Meta™ Inc. 
Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Meta™ in any way. 
FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of META™, Inc.
Important: Enroll today to join us for our next LIVE "Evergreen & Scale" Coaching Call with Jim & Lucas, schedule your first 1:1 call with a Thought Leaders Institute coach, and get instant access to the Evergreen Business Accelerator program, training, private community, and bonuses!
Specifically For Coaches, Consultants, Experts & Agencies 
Who Think Time Waste Is Life Waste

Install the “EvergreenOS" And Scale Your Business In 70% Less Time ” 

This new way of doing business & life gives you the freedom to be the entrepreneur, leader, and human you’re meant to be.
(While still giving your clients exactly what they need, when they need it.)
The most predictable path to attract customers every day, fill your group programs, and deeply serve clients–on evergreen–without big launches, live events, or back-to-back calls